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Health & movement

Naprapathy, Massage and Physical Training-
for you!

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What we do:

  What we help in NapraWealth?

  • Headache

  • Dizziness

  • Shoulder and neck pain

  • Joint problems as shoulder, hip pain, mobility

  • Sports injuries

  • Jaw joint and masticatory muscle problems

  • Or come to us to relax 


Wellness gift card for Christmas!

Christmas is the best time to remember your loved ones and yourself. Give gift card for massage is the perfect way to offer relaxation and well-being in a busy everyday life. Choose a gift that will be remembered and make you feel good. A gift that everyone can use!


Naprapathy is a manual medicine expert who specializes in examination, treatments and preventing functional musculoskeletal disorders like: joint pain, back problems, muscle injuries, and neck and shoulder problems and pain conditions. Most usually treatment used by naprapaths are joint manipulation and mobilization, massage, exercise therapy and rehabilitation. Book your appointment and leave pains to us.

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NapraWealth do sports massage, fascia massage and TMD treatment. Massage helps to relax, relieve pain and muscle tension, promotes recovery and relieves stress. The most common reasons for coming to massage are neck and shoulder pain, muscle soreness and stress. Leave tightness and stiffness, come to relax. We help you to look right massage and treatment for your pains. 

Massage services for relaxation, pains and muscle stiffness
Physical training what support goals and health

Physical training

Customer reviews

Elina T., 53 v.

Olen käynyt Jonnan luona säännöllisesti monta vuotta. Hän on ammattitaitoinen, monipuolinen ja aktiivisesti ratkaisuja etsivä tekijä. Apua ongelmiin saa hieronnassa, mutta myös naprapaatin käsittelyssä ja välillä opetellaan liikkeitä itsenäiseen koti-ja saliharjoitteluun. Jonnan vastaanotolle on aina mukava tulla ja sieltä lähtee hyvällä mielellä, koska vastassa on hymyilevä ja hyväntuulinen ammattilainen :)

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