Reasons to come
naprapathy appointment:
Back and neck pain
Joint pain, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle pain
Sports injuries
Jaw/biting muscle problem
Stiffness / mobility problem
Naprapathy appointment
Naprapath is an expert in manual medicine who specializes in examination, treatments and preventing functional musculoskeletal disorders such as: joint pain, back problems, muscle injuries, and neck and shoulder problems and pain conditions. Most used treatments by naprapaths are example joint manipulation and mobilization, massage, exercise therapy and rehabilitation. Naprapath is a Valvira title-protected professional with a university degree.
In a naprapathy appointment we are looking to find the cause of your problem and treat it. Naprapaat is specialized in clinical testing and is capable of differentiating different ailments and diseases. If reason can't be found for the pain, naprapath refers the patient to further examinations.