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Privacy statement


Combined Register statement and information document in accordance with § 10 and § 24 of the Personal Data Act (523/1999) and Articles 12 and 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (679/2016).


Registrar: NapraWealth
Company ID number: 3001123-7
Address: Tankomäenkatu 14, 00950 Helsinki

Data Protection Officer:

Jonna Korhonen


In our data protection statement, we describe NapraWealth's processing of personal data. We process our customers' data on the website and in the Ajas touch customer management system.


What information do we collect and for what purpose?

We collect customer information such as name, phone number, e-mail and address information, possibly date of birth and social security number in the customer register kept by NapraWealth (customer account, invoicing and appointment booking). The purpose of using the information is to enable the maintenance of customer relations, the improvement of customer relations, and the enabling of appointment bookings and invoicing. We use the collected personal data to maintain customer relations between the Controller and the customer, manage appointments and invoicing.

Personal or treatment data can be collected in the Kanta archive (maintained by the authorities), with the customer's consent. With the customer's consent, the Controller can send marketing communications or newsletters. The person / customer can refuse information or request the deletion of information from the Registrar, by e-mailing

Data collection is based on statutory regulations and obligations, for example the Act on Private Health Care (1990/152), the Act on Patient Status and Rights (785/1992) and accounting legislation.


How is data collected?

Information is collected and stored from customers and registrants themselves in connection with appointment bookings and contact requests, or themself subscribing newsletter.


Recipients of third-party data:

We process data by NapraWealth, personal dataaccording to ain and appropriately outsourcing the appointment booking to the third party, Ajas touch appointment booking customer information register and archive. We process information for third parties appropriately and only necessary information. 

Data of payment transactions: Information required for payment and payment by card in accordance with the law in the systems of payment partners (Wix Payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay). Payment transactions and payment traffic information are stored in the payment partner's service.



How long is the data kept?

We keep the collected personal data until the person requests the deletion of the data or there is no longer a reason or need to keep the data, within the framework of the legislation. We keep the information of anonymous visitors until it is necessary for marketing and customer service.


The customer has the right to request the collected data and correct or delete it, as well as the right to his data in accordance with the Personal Data Act and EU directives.



We use cookies on our NapraWealth website to improve and secure the use of the site, as well as for the proper operation of our marketing and services.


Terms of delivery

NapraWealth (3001123-7) webstore sells gift cards. We reserve the right to change prices and delivery costs.


Ordering and payment

Products (gift cards) are ordered and paid for in the online store by placing the desired product in the shopping cart or at the checkout. The online store is completed in the checkout phase and you will receive an order confirmation in your e-mail for a successfully completed payment. The order confirmation shows the ordered products, their sum, the total amount. By making the payment, you agree that NapraWealth can contact you by email or phone in unclear situations about the order. All payment and customer information are treated confidentially.



Wix Payments, Apple Pay and Google Pay act as paymentpartner for webstore in cooperation with banks and financial institutions.


Payment methods

The NapraWealth website uses Wix Payments, Apple Pay and Google Pay as payment intermediaries.


After successful gift card payment, an order confirmation is sent to the payer, which shows the order details, and the recipient of the gift card receives a digital gift card to the e-mail address that the payer has selected for the order.


Updated on April 25 2024



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